Reading & Writing
In this class…
Narrative paragraphs
Expository paragraphs
Opinion (Argumentative) paragraphs
Chapter book Study
All Classes are offered continuously in 3 terms.
Term 1 (September - December)
Term 2 (January - March)
Term 3 (April - June)
4 students in one class, 1 hour/week
Sample Student Works
You are going to pretend that you are Bloodbottler. Tell me what happened when you walked in the BFG’s cave.
I bashed into the BFG’s cavern. I said, “Are you here Runt?” I heard the BFG saying to try the Snozzcumber and I went to the table but I saw a green snozzcumber and I ate it. It tasted like a horrible pickle and I spit out that terrible taste. I held BFG’s hand tightly and I said that you are a disgrace to the other giants. I said to the BFG that Snozzcumber is disgusting just tasting like a horrible pickle.
I asked a question, “What are you doing with the jar filled with dreams”. I said that humans are yummier and snozzcumber are disgusting. I hunt every night in house girls and boys. I knew that I was a carnivore but I had never seen these interesting green vegetables. I was filled with the grossness when I tried the snozzcumber and I ran because I didn’t ever want to taste the snozzcumber again.
transfigured (My mom and I transfigured my room into a flower room.)
forlorn (I was forlorn because my mom didn’t cook me rice cake soup.)
reverberated (The metal bars reverberated when I was clinking them together.)
ecstasy (I felt ecstasy because it was my birthday and I would get a cake,presents, and gifts.)
contemptuously ( I was reading when my brother started to contemptuously kick my book. )
ghastly (I was going upstairs to put my clothes in the closet but my brother’s ghastly jump scared me.)